Own your creative power and weave.
Join us to discover the magic of eco-dyes and natural fibres!
BARE Weaving Workshops are offered regularly throughout the year. If you have a group ready to learn you can also reach out and request we run a program in your area.
We are passionate about deeply connecting you to your ancestral lineage of fibre craft and the ancient tradition of women’s weaving. Joining us at a workshop is guaranteed to inspire you to become a modern weaver able to own your unique creative power through weaving.
Excited to weave with you soon!
BARE Weaving
String Workshop
This is going to be an amazing 4 Day Retreat that will ignite your string mojo!
You will be offered in-depth string training - covering native plant identification, collection and processing, natural dyes, 2 & 3 strand string bag techniques, decorations as well as jewellery and accessory making skills.
We would love to have you join us!
AUS $660 per participant
Yarralen Retreat, Yarrahapinni, NSW
Price includes - 4 days camping accommodation retreat, Native NSW string fibers, natural dyes, expert tuition, coffee/tea and dinners.
BARE Weaving Retreat
Come join us! This 5 Day Workshop deeply explores the depth of knowledge held by BARE Weaving facilitators Ingrid Riverstone & Katie Rydge.
We will cover plant identification, collection and processing, natural dyes, coil weaving, two-strand and three-strand hand twining techniques, weaving decorations and bark string creation.
We would love to have you join us!
Expires 30 April, 2025
Tuesday 10th to Sunday 15th June- 2025
Yarralen Retreat, Yarrahapinni,
Price includes - all weaving materials, natural dyes, 5 days of expert tuition, camping accommodation, coffee/tea and dinners. BYO breakfast and lunch & camping gear. Tent camping is included in the price.
BARE Weaving Immersion
BARE Weavers, Ingrid Riverstone, Katie Rydge and Nikki Penny are super excited to be offering this program to support weaving to once again become a part of our cultural landscape.
We desire to contribute to this vision by:
• making weaving with natural and native fibres and eco-dyes widely available,
• for weaving to be handed down by excellent weavers who have thoroughly embodied their own mastery in this ancient craft, and;
• for the women who are doing this work to understand how to holistically empower those drawn to learn from them, with a clear understanding of how to gift them successful weaving experiences.
This is our dream for you – that through this training program, you will not only accelerate your own weaving skills into greater mastery but you will also have the ability (if you so choose) to skillfully share weaving skills and teach students across many different styles and levels of experience.
To apply you need to have already attended a BARE Weaving Retreat, hold a desire to teach weaving in your local area and/or be an active weaver or string maker keen to seriously advance your skills.
BARE Weaving Workshop
Looking for an amazing 3 Day Retreat which will ignite your weaving mojo?
Your instructors Ingrid Riverstone and Nikki Penny will offer you in-depth weaving training - covering native plant identification, collection and processing, natural dyes, 2-strand hand twining technique, weaving decorations and bark string creation.
We would love you to join us!
Expires January 25th, 2025
Thursday 6th - Sunday 9th March - 2025
VENUE: Yarralen Retreat, Yarrahapinni, NSW
Price includes - 3 days camping accommodation retreat, Native NSW weaving fibers, natural dyes, expert tuition, coffee/tea and dinners made with beautiful organic and whole foods.
As a way of honouring and giving back to the traditional custodians of the land we live and share our weaving practices on, the Gumbayngirr people, BARE Weaving have always given an open invitation for First Nations people in our community to attend our programs. We have so enjoyed the collaborations and sharing that enrich our circles when this has happened!
Recently, in consultation with members of the Gumbayngirr community, we have chosen to formalise this practice of making sponsored places available. We intend to make our weaving offerings more accessible to any First Nations weavers who are keen to learn together and share in our local dye knowledge.
We will offer twice yearly rounds of applications for two spaces in each of our 3 and 5 day programs. In addition, commencing in 2024, we will offer a place in our Year Long Immersion Program.
Feel free to contact us via email bareweaving@gmail.com for any enquiries or to apply click here.